Often, they die shortly after reproduction. It is clear from the above discussion that for a species of a plant or an animal to continue living on this earth, it must reproduce itself. Wiki User November 02, 2010 7:03AM. Herbs: Small plants … We need you to answer this question! The air, bugs, or birds usually carry the seeds to new places, so that the plant will continue to grow. Based on this physical size, there are different types of plants. How do organisms reproduce sexually? Some are tiny while some are very gigantic. This combination of different types of plants makes each plant have a unique life cycle. Most of the plants reproduce by producing seeds to grow more plants so that their species may continue to live on this earth. Apple trees will grow readily from seed, although the plants that grow from seed usually do not have the same desirable characteristics as either parent tree. How do plants without seed's reproduce this is in science? Not all plants are of the same size. Related Questions. Wiki User April 25, 2012 9:15AM. Semelparous organisms reproduce only once in their lifetime, such as annual plants (including all grain crops), and certain species of salmon, spider, bamboo and century plant. How does a life plant reproduce? seeds that fall and then over the time grow and they then fall and it goes on and on. Although many plants sometimes can sprout a new plant from a well-planted leaf, bryophyllum, or Kalanchoe, can do so while the leaves still are attached to the branch. Perennial plants keep making seeds that drift away every year, while annual plants never come back to life again. Answer. no flowers, noseeds, no more of the plant's kind. Answer. The leaves of this plant begin the process of mitosis and asexually reproduce in the form of plantlets that cover the edges of each leaf. Polycyclic animals reproduce intermittently throughout their lives. Plants can't reproduce when the flowers are plucked because the flowers have the plant seeds. This is …