Routine pruning is a great way to keep your tree strong and robust. Keep your fig tree productive by following our simple steps to giving it a winter prune, below. Despite being considered “off-season pruning”, summer pruning of fruit trees has its place in the home orchard. Not necessarily so for your favorite tree if you prune it incorrectly. The initial pruning is similar to training other bush top fruit such as apples and pears. General shaping of mature trees and removal of branches growing into the centre of the tree can … How to Prune a Ficus Tree. Pruning a Brown Turkey Fig. Figs … If you don’t mind lack of fruit, the fig tree can be pruned later but only if the tree is strong, otherwise late pruning can weaken it. Fig trees can be left alone to grow naturally or trained to grow as a large shrub or mid-size trees of various shapes. I've never heard of pruning in summer so a tree could recover before winter. Can I prune fruit trees in summer? Because ficus are fairly hardy and resilient, pruning can be done year-round if necessary, not just during the optimal period in summer/fall. Several fig and ficus species, such as fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) and weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), are favorite indoor plants. If a branch is broken by the wind or by a heavy load of fruit, then prune back the ragged edges, making a smooth cut that leaves no stubby stump. You’ll be tasting the delicious rewards of your efforts soon! prune after severe weather has passed (in late winter or early spring), forming a basic bush framework, as for an apple bush, with 8-10 main branches arising at or near the trunk. Lots of new juvenile wood is produced after a severe winter pruning. However, it takes at least six to eight months of growth before new fig twigs begin to … It is not absolutely necessary to prune a fig tree. This helps ensure that you get a crop every year. If you prune before end of summer, you're pruning off fruit that could develop in the fall. Trimming your fig tree will speed its growth and increase fig productivity. Lots of new juvenile wood is produced after a severe winter pruning. Prune the newly-planted young fig tree to an open-center shape. However, because some trees can ooze sap when pruned in the winter, you're better off waiting until the summer to prune maples, birches, dogwoods, walnuts, and elm trees. You can also choose to prune half of the branches one summer and the remainder the following summer. Dead or broken branches can be pruned at any time. How to Trim Magnolia Fig Trees. How To Prune A Fig. 1. The short answer is yes - you can prune fruit trees in summer. Fig tree are easily damaged in drafty and windy spots. You’ll be tasting the delicious rewards of your efforts soon! Whether growing indoors or outdoors, ficus trees are beautiful, low maintenance plants. Pruning a fig tree at the wrong time, during spring for example, can cause them to bleed profusely. However, you can prune young fig trees during the first couple of years in a manner that will produce new "fruiting wood," resulting in heavier yields of fruit the following season. If you need to prune plum or cherry trees, now is the time to carry out the work. This is only half true — most deciduous fruiting trees benefit from a structural prune in winter, when it’s easy to see what you're working with. Special Cases: Apricots & Cherry Trees Experts advise pruning apricots and cherries only in the summer. If the tree doesn't bear fruit, wait until spring to prune it. The plant needs little pruning except when young to help create a strong frame. Link. Prune your magnolia fig when dormant, either the fall or winter. A fig tree should be pruned immediately after the main crop is harvested. No breba figs will be produced the following early summer. In the case of figs, most pruning is done with the aim of increasing fruit yield while keeping the tree sized appropriately for the landscape. Pruning fig trees is important. Established Fig Trees (Spring) Goal: cut to keep the bush as spreading and … Read on to find out. Pruning fig trees is important. You can also choose to prune half of the branches one summer and the remainder the following summer. When you prune in the winter, you revitalize the tree and stimulate growth the following spring, whereas when you do it in the summer, you slow unruly growth and limit the size of the tree. Some of these even produce fruit, and the best time to prune these is right after the fruit has ripened in mid-summer. Fig trees grow well in the ground with 8 hours or more of sunlight and heat. Sometimes, whether through accident or by preference, a little too much wood is taken off.