The key ingredients to make the best Beetroot juice are lemon juice and fresh ginger, it tastes really good. Studies have shown that the health benefits of beets include detoxing your body, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, improving heart … In this beet juice, the beets taste sweet and earthy, lemon and ginger add zing, and the cucumber adds mineral-rich water. 3-4 large Gala or Honeycrisp apples. For example, beetroot contains vitamins A, C and B-group vitamins. Beetroot Juice health benefits includes improving energy level, boosting blood flow, lowering blood pressure, boosting vitamin and mineral levels, boosting phytonutrients levels, boosting liver function, enhancing the skin, promoting digestive health, and improve sexual performance. Beets are also high in folate and manganese. Beets are naturally sweet so we don’t add any additional fruit, with the exception of a lemon. It contains only 130 calories per glass, and is an excellent substitute for carbonated drinks and other beverages you might find at the store. 2 large raw beets, peeled. You can also juice beetroot to get a concentrated shot of its nutrients to take advantage of its powerful health-boosting properties. Health benefits… Turmeric, beet and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties that help with swelling. It’s not just the roots of beets that are good for you. 1 organic lemon, juiced. Beetroot juice makes for the new superfood in the bay. Carrot and ginger juice is a delicious, healthy way to get more vitamin A and C in your diet. Then this beetroot juice is exactly what you are looking for! Therefore beetroot juice should be diluted at least 1:2 with water or other juices. No problem. Beets are great source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber. Adding to its numerous health benefits, many like to add carrots in to the juice. Ginger helps cleanse the body by improving digestion and circulation. Stir well to form a mixture. You might like: Natural Cough Remedy Using Carrot Here are the benefits of drinking it: Healthy skin. Your drink is now ready. Beetroot Juices - 1 cup; Honey - 1 tablespoon; Method Of Preparation : Add the suggested amount of ingredients in a cup. The mix of beetroot and lemon with lamb lettuce and celery makes a fresh and detoxing drink full of leafy greens. This wonderfully spicy & earthy citrus juice is a great way to get the old metabolism fired up in the morning. These little taproots are a unique source of betalains, phytonutrients that aid in antioxidant and detoxification support. They are also a good source of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and manganese, as well as fiber. Beetroot makes an excellent addition to juices because when eaten raw, you are not losing any of its important benefits. If you find the juice too tart, consider pushing a couple carrots or an apple through the juicer.