I always use the Nitrate 400 shots for 3-4 days before my competition and then 3 hours before the start I take a final hit to maximise my performance” the Beet IT shot is a bit of acquired taste but appears to do the job. We dug into the science and tapped top experts to get the scoop on this seemingly-magic crimson elixir. Experiment in your own training to see what works for you. To get maximum benefit from this drink it is suggested to take it on empty stomach that too early in the morning .One interesting research finding states that drinking beetroot juice boosts your muscle endurance level, and helps you to exercise longer. Beet is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth in medicinal amounts. Comment. Also, beets might cause low calcium levels and kidney damage. Beets, (Beta vulgaris L) also called beetroot, have been consumed since the days of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. That’s why Beet It Sport is the clinical standard, used in … Beetroot has long been used to treat illnesses, particularly those affecting the blood and digestion. The results here suggest a dosage dependent relation; the more you take, the more it may it help strength and endurance. shot after shot, bar after bar. Powdered beet drink mix made me gag. WELCOME TO BEET IT CASINO ONLINE! It has always been believed to be a nutritious vegetable, and recent scientific studies have confirmed this. Product Description. Great product , don't know how much difference it makes but it's easy to take and it's all good natural stuff that can't be bad. Yes No Review Posted on 27 Sep 2013. I had access to a variety of different beet products marketed to athletes, so I gave them a whirl. drink good, feel good. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, runners who took a beet-juice shot before racing a … Beet IT Organic is a 70ml shot of concentrated organic beetroot juice cut (98%) with organic lemon juice (2%). However, nothing was mentioned about how much beet juice to take and how long one should take it before having sex. This is because the single shot dosage (about 2 ounces) was insignificant, but those on a double dosage … Here's what happened when I drank beet juice every day for a week. Was this review helpful to you? There are still many different versions of all your favorite games, such as blackjack, roulette, keno, slot machines , backgammon and Beet It Sport - beet your personal best with beetroot juice from James White Drinks. The regular Beet-It ‘shot’ is a concentrated organic product derived from natural beetroot (the sports shot is not organic). Menu. Beetroot can be juiced and taken early in the morning on an empty stomach to reap the beet health … Our award winning concentrated beetroot shot. Used by health conscious individuals of all ages, each Organic shot is natural and organic and contains 0.3g dietary nitrate. If you like to play games and make money, then a casino is like an adult playground. Beet It Sport Shots and Bars deliver consistent doses of natural nitrate. A. The results here suggest a dosage dependent relation; the more you take, the more it may it help strength and endurance. However Beet It Sport is such an easy way to maximise the proven performance benefits of nitrates found concentrated in beetroot.