Spread: 35 - 50'. A red tinge can be found in its flowers, twigs, and seeds, but it is most notable for the scarlet of its leaves in fall. It is a fast growing conifer. Growth Per Year. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, slow growth designates a tree that grows less than 12 inches per year, while medium denotes growth of between 13 and 24 inches annually. Red Maple is a deciduous tree that may grow 40 to 120 feet tall but is usually less than 40 feet. The better the growing conditions you've given it, the happier it will be and the faster it will grow. Acer … Plus, the richly-hued tones of this one-of-a-kind tree develop almost two weeks before other varieties, staying … Growth Rate: Maples vary in growth rate. Learn More. Posted . Acer rubrum 'October Glory' Growth rate: Fast. Burgundy Belle red maple is a smart choice for a spot that gets full sun for most of the day. The red maple grows to a height of 40–60' and a spread of around 40' at maturity. Loblolly pine is second most widespread of trees in the United States, after the red maple. The tree makes the best growth in wet places and Sun and Soil. Posted . Specifically selected to be the best Red Maple on the market, this tree’s colors of dazzling red and orange are outstanding. The red maple (Acer rubrum) is one of the most common, and popular, deciduous trees in much of the eastern and central U.S.It has a pleasing oval shape and is a fast grower with stronger wood than most of the so-called soft maples. Slow-growing plants usually gain no more than 12 inches during a single year’s growth, and often less. on the same tree) lasting several weeks. The yellow, orange and red fall foliage of maple trees makes them a favorite among homeowners. Green Mountain Sugar Maple. Exposure: Partial shade to full sun. Red maple trees are used as boulevard trees, shade trees, or accent and specimen plants. It is considered to have a medium rate of growth which, according to the Arbor Day Foundation, indicates a tree that grows between 13 and 24 inches annually. One particular individual in Arkansas is over 300 years of age. The dense canopies of red maples provide The sugar maple tree (Acer saccharum) is considered to possess a slow to medium growth rate. Red Maple is a deciduous tree that may grow 40 to 120 feet tall but is usually less than 40 feet. October Glory Red Maple. Most fall into zones 4 through 8, but some are less tolerant of cold or heat than others. Why Red Sunset Maple Trees? When selecting a maple tree, be sure to select a species suited for Iowa's weather. It is highly valued as a landscape tree for its flowers and fall foliage that light up spring and autumn landscapes. (Acer rubrum) establishes easily and grows quickly. Fall color can be yellow rather than red, so select a cultivar bred for red fall color. Red Maple - Photo by Paul Wray, Iowa State University. Learn More. The Red Maple truly earns its name, with its red flowers in early spring, red twigs of new growth, and spectacular red leaves in fall. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, slow growth designates a tree that grows less than 12 inches per year, while medium denotes growth of between 13 and 24 inches annually. Silver maple … The leaves are opposite, with 3-5 palmate lobes and toothed margins on long red stems. Red maple needs plenty of room for its dense, spreading root system. Growth Rate This tree grows at a medium to fast rate, with height increases of anywhere from 13" to more than 24" per year. Exposure: Partial shade or partial sun to full sun.Height: 25' to 50'. Red maple is one of the best named of all trees, featuring something red in each of the seasons—buds in winter, flowers in spring, leafstalks in summer, and brilliant foliage in autumn. Japanese cutleaf maples grow fairly slowly, especially when they are smaller. The red maple has a slightly smaller leaf than most other species of maples. Cultivars are more consistently colored. It grows faster than Norway and sugar maples, but slower than silver maple. The red maple has a slightly smaller leaf than most other species of maples.